During technical troubleshooting, it is sometimes necessary to fully uninstall and reinstall the Battle.net desktop app. Follow the instructions below to completely uninstall the Battle.net desktop app.

Note: Uninstalling that Battle.net desktop app does not uninstall your game clients.

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click Uninstall a program.
  3. Right-click on Battle.net and select Uninstall. This will begin the uninstallation process.
    Note: If you do not see Battle.net, look for Blizzard Battle.net desktop app.
  4. If the client is not listed, manually uninstall Battle.net desktop app:
    1. Click Start ( Windows Key + Q in Windows 8), and select All Programs.
    2. After locating the Battle.net desktop app, right-click the file and select Open File Location.
    3. Move one folder up and delete the Battle.net folder. 
    4. Note: If you do not see Battle.net, look for Blizzard Battle.net desktop app.
  5. Delete the Battle.net Tools folder to remove any remaining Battle.net helper programs.
  6. Reinstall the client.
  1. Open Finder.
  2. Delete Battle.net in /Applications.
  3. Note: If you do not see Battle.net, look for Blizzard Battle.net desktop app.
  4. While holding down the Option (Alt) key, select Library from the Go menu on the system menu bar.
  5. Delete the Battle.net folder in ~/Library/Application Support/Blizzard.
  6. Navigate to ~/Library/Preferences and delete the following files:
    • com.blizzard.errorreporter.plist
    • com.blizzard.Installer.plist
    • com.blizzard.launcher.plist
    • net.battle.net.app.plist
    • net.battle.Authenticator.prefs
    • net.battle.Identity.prefs
    • net.battnet.battle.plist
    • Note: This may not be a fully inclusive list. If you see any com.blizzard or net.battle files not included in the list above, they should also be deleted. 
  7. Delete the Battle.net Tools folder to remove any remaining Blizzard Battle.net desktop app helper applications.
  8. Empty Trash​.
  9. Reinstall the client.