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Changing a StarCraft II Character Name

Aggiornato: 4 anni fa
ID articolo: 11355

Problemi comuni

  • How do I change my name for Starcraft 2?
  • I cannot change my name in SC2, I receive an error
  • "Name change is currently unavailable. A new name change will become available after the next season roll."

You can change your StarCraft II character name for free once per season:

  1. Log in to the game
  2. Left click on your character portrait in the upper right corner
  3. Click the gear icon next to your current name
  4. Click Change Name
  5. Enter a new name
  6. Click Change Name

If you have already used the free name change for a season you will receive the error "Name change is currently unavailable. A new name change will become available after the next season roll".

Customer Support does not provide additional free name changes.