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Can't Complete Reinforce the Veiled Den

Zaktualizowano: 2 lat(a) temu
ID artykułu: 123365

Najczęstsze problemy

  • I abandoned the quest and can't find High Exarch Turalyon to pick it up again 
  • I have this quest and Illidan is missing, can't complete it
  • I can't unlock the flight path Lightforged Beacon: The Veiled Den

Reinforce the Veiled Den can only be started or turned in while the camp is up. If you have the quest and the camp was destroyed, Illidan won't be there to turn the quest in. If you abandon the quest and the camp is still destroyed, you won't find Turalyon to pick it up again. Wait until the camp is up again and you'll be able to finish this quest and unlock the flight path.