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Reward from Hearthstone Arena Run is Incorrect

Zaktualizowano: 3 mies. temu
ID artykułu: 96965

Najczęstsze problemy

  • I cannot open the arena reward chest 
  • I opened the arena chest and the card pack I received is not from this expansion

When you finish an arena run, you are guaranteed one card pack. This pack will always be from the most recent released expansion. If you earn a second card pack during the same arena run, it will always be from a different standard format set.

Arena rewards are obtained through opening a chest. You obtain the key to open the chest whenever either of this happens: 

  • Once you won 12 games in total
  • Once you lost 3 games
  • Once you retire your deck
  • Once a new Arena rotation has taken over

The value of your key / chest will depend on how many matches you won in the current run. You are guaranteed one card pack. This pack will always be from the most recent released expansion. If you earn a second card pack during the same arena run, it will always be from a different standard format set.

Below is the chart with all the rewards you can earn based on your wins. For more info refer to Gamepedia: https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Arena#Claiming_rewards