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This character hasn't logged in recently. Log in with this character, log out, and try again.

Обновлен: 11 месяцев назад
Номер статьи (ID) 20840

Распространенные проблемы

  • Want to transfer a character from my inactive account to another account, but I get an error asking me to log in first.
  • I can't start a boost, I'm getting an error telling me to log in first but logging in doesn't clear it.

To resolve this error, log into the game with the character, log out, and try again. If it is a max level character, make sure to claim any pending rewards from the Great Vault. You may have to re-open the Great Vault several times to claim all pending rewards.

If you cannot log in to the character, or clearing the Great Vault does not resolve the issue, contact us.